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New Year and Newly Divorced: Don't Put Off Next Steps

If you were divorced last year and since that time, you’ve been distracted with the holidays, celebrating your new sense of freedom, or even contemplating new year’s resolutions in your...


7 Tips if a Divorce is on the Horizon

What do you need to know if a divorce is possible in your future?  Regardless of which path your relationship goes, here are seven helpful tips to be aware of:

1. Seek the RIGHT Advice for YOU



Financial Self-Care: Prioritizing Your Financial Needs

Over the last decade, you’ve likely heard more about the importance of self-care or ways you can proactively take care of yourself to reduce stress and burnout. Because finances and money can be a...


Playing Your Cards Right: Divorcees Who Pay 0% Capital Gains Tax

If you are recently divorced, you may be experiencing a lot of ‘firsts’. For example, you may have to do your own taxes for the first time and feel like a deer in headlights, frozen and overwhelmed...


Stress Testing a Budget in Divorce

Transitioning financially through divorce has many moving parts. Stress testing your strategy regarding how income and expenses can change your circumstances in the future is important to consider....


Property Division Values, Part 3: Home Equity

When dividing assets in divorce individuals, mediators and attorneys alike, tend to focus on the property division spreadsheet. The current values of asset and debt balances determined to be...


Divorce: A Catalyst for Change

Any major life event, including divorce, can be a catalyst for overall life changes. By recognizing and accepting that any big life change will result in many other significant changes, you’ll...


Options to Handle Rental Properties in a Divorce

While there is so much to sort through in a divorce, splitting up rental properties can add additional complexity to your separation. You do have several options for handling rental assets, and the...


Divorce Season: Key Tasks for Success

Divorce season is upon us. January is the most common time for divorces throughout the year, for various reasons. Many couples are trying to get through the holidays for their families, or are...


Separate vs. Marital Property: Understanding the division of assets in your divorce

Getting a divorce means learning a whole new vocabulary of legal and financial terms. Therefore, having a team of experts to talk you through new concepts and what to consider as you make important...