Summer Travel for the Newly Divorced
If you are newly divorced, you’ve probably noticed that many aspects of life no longer look the same. From holidays, to gatherings with friends, to vacations, your post-divorce experiences are...
If you are newly divorced, you’ve probably noticed that many aspects of life no longer look the same. From holidays, to gatherings with friends, to vacations, your post-divorce experiences are...
Divorce will introduce you to a whole new set of legal and financial terminology, as well as acronyms. Understanding the processes, steps, and orders are essential to having a successful financial...
Managing living arrangements during a divorce is tough and is typically the first item on the to-do-list as a divorce moves forward. Determining who is going to keep the house, where someone is...
In part one of this post, we introduced Rachel Anderson, family attorney at Anderson Allen, LLC. Rachel works with divorcing couples in Colorado and has experience in all types of family law...
If you have recently filed for divorce, one of the first things that could happen is the establishment of temporary orders. These orders can set the tone for the overall divorce settlement and...
Like most everything in life, divorce has changed tremendously over the last several decades. Beyond changes with the way parenting time and finances are divided today, the means to achieve a...
There are many ways to approach the divorce process. The options you have to get from deciding to get a divorce to finalizing your divorce and the ways you might even mix and match these methods...
The most mutually satisfying divorces often involve a variety of professionals who serve the divorcing couple in advisory roles. From mortgage professionals to therapists to attorneys, the team at...
Your divorce is final, you can finally breathe and start to rebuild. The next item on your to-do list is complying with your agreements and facilitating the division of property. Transferring...
Divorce is a tumultuous time where couples race to the finish line. Although the temptation is understandable, it is important to slow down and prevent as many post-decree disputes ahead of time....