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Stay at Home Moms: Learning to Budget Post-Divorce

In my work supporting divorced individuals in the Colorado area along their financial journey, I see one particular group of clients who struggle more than others. Long-time stay-at-home mothers...


Preparing for Mediation in your Divorce

Many divorcing parties believe their case will go to court because there is so much friction and disagreement about the path forward. The media also portrays divorce this way. In reality, it’s much...


5 Helpful Tips to Get You Through Divorce

Divorce, separation, breakup. Whether you’re the one who initiated it, or the one on the receiving end, going through it remains a very difficult life transition.

The end of a relationship is not...


Retirement Savings Plans in 2023: What to Expect

You may have heard about the big changes coming to retirement plans and savings options in 2023. Both changes, made by the IRS, benefit employees or those saving for retirement. These changes were...


10 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Finances In the Divorce Process

January is often called “divorce month” because more people file for divorce in January than any other month of the year. Perhaps that is due to new year’s resolutions and couples finding the...


Filing for Divorce: Key Considerations

There is never a good or easy time to file for divorce. You can second guess yourself for a long time, contemplating the right week to move forward, or even be conflicted about whether divorce is...


Types of Divorce Professionals & How They Help

Like so many other things, divorce has gotten more complex overtime. Divorce has also evolved into a more integrated and holistic process, with the involvement of several professionals and experts...


Key Ways Inflation Impacts Your Divorce

Over the last six months, you have likely heard the word “inflation” more often in the news, in conversations with others, and as an explanation for rising costs in almost all aspects of life. If...


Retirement Accounts & Divorce: What to Expect

There is so much to financially sort through during the divorce process. From splitting physical assets to dividing up real estate to sorting through retirement accounts, different rules and laws...


Financial Opportunities Surface Within Challenging Spousal Support Changes

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) that went into effect this year for divorcing couples has drastically changed the financial landscape for individuals from prior years. The most significant...