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Creating New Holiday Traditions of Giving with Kids and Loved Ones

The first several holidays after a separation or divorce are extremely difficult. Adjusting to on and off parenting schedules where your kids are not with you everyday is challenging to cope with....


Handling the Holidays and a New Divorce

The holidays are upon us and if this is your first year approaching them as a single individual, you may not know what to expect. Whether you have kids and a large 

family to buy presents for or...


What is a Divorce Coach?

The process of divorce has significantly evolved in the last decade and many parties now include additional resources and professionals, beyond an attorney, throughout the process. Assembling a...


Property Division Values, Part 1: Retirement Accounts

When dividing assets in divorce most people, individuals, mediators and attorneys alike, tend to focus on the property division spreadsheet. Current values of assets are listed along with...


3 Myths About Going to Court in a Divorce

If you are going through a divorce, or know someone who is, often the greatest fear is the possibility of going to court. There is a perception that divorces that end up in court will have...


3 Maintenance Options & What You Should Consider

As you go through your divorce, it may feel like you are gaining a whole new vocabulary as you learn about the different aspects and components of everything in separation agreements. Maintenance...


What Does Child Support Cover?

Child support can be a confusing and complex part of a separation or divorce. It’s state-specific and there are several factors that influence it. From understanding the details of when it’s paid...


What is a Certified Financial Divorce Analyst?

Going through a divorce can often feel lonely and confusing. Even if you know others who have been through a divorce, the process has evolved significantly in the last decade, and friends and...


Non-Spousal Retirement Beneficiary Planning

After your divorce is finalized and the various accounts divided and settled, you will be able to update your beneficiaries. Assuming your partner or spouse was previously your primary beneficiary,...


Finding the Right Divorce Attorney: 6 Questions to Ask

Choosing the right attorney in your divorce can make all the difference. From getting the outcomes you want, to reducing unwanted friction with your ex-spouse, there are important questions to ask...