Posts about

Divorce (2)

Navigating Financial Transitions: Approaches for a Smooth Transition

The divorce process begins with a period of transition where expenses still need to be shared, followed by the need to establish new services and accounts in separate names. This includes setting up...


Post-Divorce Budget Planning

While it is always important to build a budget, it’s essential when you go through a significant financial change like one that follows a divorce. Budgets should include everything from necessary,...


Co-Parenting & Gift Giving: Answering Your Top Questions

Divorce can be a difficult time for you and an even more challenging time for your kids. Most children crave consistency, naturally respond positively to rituals, and can be distressed when their...


How to divide non-retirement investments in your divorce

While the goal of every divorce is a fair and equitable division of overall assets, the specific portfolio of that division is unique in every divorce. Most divorce professionals will build a...


How to file taxes before your divorce is finalized

If you are currently contemplating a divorce or going through the process of a divorce, you are likely learning more than you ever expected. From understanding how to complete household tasks...


The Child Tax Credit in 2021

If taxes aren’t confusing enough, the Child Tax Credit will change substantially in 2021, impacting 2020 filings and beyond. These changes will add complexity to filing for couples going through a...


How do temporary orders work and do they impact my finances?

If you have recently filed for divorce, one of the first things that could happen is the establishment of temporary orders. These orders can set the tone for the overall divorce settlement and...


Collaborative Divorce Versus Cooperative Divorce

Like most everything in life, divorce has changed tremendously over the last several decades. Beyond changes with the way parenting time and finances are divided today, the means to achieve a...


4 Methods of Divorce and How They Impact Your Finances

There are many ways to approach the divorce process. The options you have to get from deciding to get a divorce to finalizing your divorce and the ways you might even mix and match these methods...


Part 1: Top Divorce Questions: An Interview with Rachel Anderson, Family Law Attorney

The most mutually satisfying divorces often involve a variety of professionals who serve the divorcing couple in advisory roles. From mortgage professionals to therapists to attorneys, the team at...