Posts about

Budgeting (2)

Divorce Season: Key Tasks for Success

Divorce season is upon us. January is the most common time for divorces throughout the year, for various reasons. Many couples are trying to get through the holidays for their families, or are...


Stay at Home Moms: Learning to Budget Post-Divorce

In my work supporting divorced individuals in the Colorado area along their financial journey, I see one particular group of clients who struggle more than others. Long-time stay-at-home mothers...


Preparing for Mediation in your Divorce

Many divorcing parties believe their case will go to court because there is so much friction and disagreement about the path forward. The media also portrays divorce this way. In reality, it’s much...


Retirement Savings Plans in 2023: What to Expect

You may have heard about the big changes coming to retirement plans and savings options in 2023. Both changes, made by the IRS, benefit employees or those saving for retirement. These changes were...


10 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Finances In the Divorce Process

January is often called “divorce month” because more people file for divorce in January than any other month of the year. Perhaps that is due to new year’s resolutions and couples finding the...


Handling the Holidays and a New Divorce

The holidays are upon us and if this is your first year approaching them as a single individual, you may not know what to expect. Whether you have kids and a large 

family to buy presents for or...