Amy Mahlen

Non-Spousal Retirement Beneficiary Planning

After your divorce is finalized and the various accounts divided and settled, you will be able to update your beneficiaries. Assuming your partner or spouse was previously your primary beneficiary,...


Finding the Right Divorce Attorney: 6 Questions to Ask

Choosing the right attorney in your divorce can make all the difference. From getting the outcomes you want, to reducing unwanted friction with your ex-spouse, there are important questions to ask...


Post-Divorce Financial To-Do List

Throughout the divorce process, you’ll likely be busy reviewing everything from financial documents to court filings. You may be consumed with tasks like finding a new place to live or going...


Legal Separation vs. Divorce: What's Right for Me?

While divorce is probably a very familiar topic to you, legal separation may not be something you hear about as often, or fully understand. While these two approaches to cutting ties with your...


What do the current economic conditions mean for housing prices?

If you are going through a divorce or planning to sell your home for any reason, you may be curious how rising interest rates and market uncertainty impact housing prices now and in the future....